The Importance Of Creativity In Advertising
  • April 24, 2023

The Importance Of Creativity In Advertising


by Zest

Advertising is an interlinked and inseparable amalgamation of creativity, art, strategy, and technology. It is used to create an effective brand identity and brand revamp. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of creativity in developing advertising communication.

What is creativity?

What is creativity

Creativity means telling the ordinary thing in an extraordinary way by using tools such as words, text, pictures, visuals, gestures, and sound etc. There is not a single thing in this entire universe which can’t be defined with the help of a story. Each thing is a story in itself and the urge to speak about each and every thing in an interesting and effective way is creativity.

The importance of the visuals

The importance of the visuals
“A good creative is nothing but the best suitable visual”

Our mind thinks in visuals. One strong visual can itself is capable to tell the entire story. In advertising communication there is lot more importance to the visuals and to develop them one need to think in a creative way taking into consideration of product, target audience, and the sell goal.

The importance of observation in creativity

The importance of observation in creativity

Observation plays a pivotal role in any creative art form. The talented artist successfully transcends his or her observations into an impactful art form. The places of observation can be anything related to regular life, like the home, hotel, office, signal, railway platform, airport, etc. Veteran ad filmmaker Piyush Pandey writes in his book Pandeymonium, "The train journey is the fingerprint of India. Which represents the class hierarchy of society. One can easily find out which class needs what while travelling by train". The powerful observation helps agencies create an effective brand affiliation.

What is Big Idea?

What is Big Idea

A “big idea’’ is an attempt to communicate a brand, product, or concept to the general public by creating a strong message that pushes brand boundaries and resonates with consumers. When they stick, big ideas can guide an organisation to an extraordinary future. It helps agencies to determine when to move and where.



As Alex Osborn (Madison Avenue Advertising) defines it in his book “Applied Imagination”, brainstorming combines a relaxed, informal approach to problem-solving with lateral thinking. During brainstorming sessions, people should avoid criticizing or rewarding ideas. Brainstorming is the mother of many creative ideas and strategies.

Advertising message

Advertising message

Advertising messages are created using creative copy, design, illustrations, typography, calligraphy, a logo, and colour for the print medium. Creating curiosity in the reader is the target of an advertising message. Which later results in making an impact and selling a product or service. Advertising copies can also be of only one word. Which can penetrate the image of the product into the subconscious mind of the consumer.

To Conclude

It is now evident that advertising will be just an empty shell of a message without creativity. The 360-degree branding agencies in Pune use creativity as a core element in every communication.